We are
Real Life Ranchers
here to
share our process with you.
We know you, as a beef customer, have concerns & questions about:
how your beef is raised,
the quality of your beef,
and how it affects our environment.
My family and I are here to show you what happens on an actual ranch. So that you can feel confident in your purchase and the impact you're having on your environment and in your community.
Get started with the steps below...
My Commitment to you...
I promise to show up on this page and in social media to answer questions honestly and authentically and share with you what we do on our ranch.
Being on social media isn’t something that comes naturally to me. I am the person that tries to take pictures to avoid being in them, I don’t love to be on camera and this is a scary venture really putting myself out there, but I believe in the beef industry and the story we have to tell.
I want people who are curious about beef production to have a chance to see and hear the truth and what we as ranchers do and how much we love our animals and value our land.
So if I can ask something of you… Respect. Let's have a real connection. A real discussion. Let's listen to each others perspectives. Ask me what you really want to know about how your beef is produced and I'll give you honest answers.
I commit to hearing your perspective and respecting your point of view.
I'm here for it all.
The Family Biz

Bill & Terry
Bill/Papa: is the most generous person you will ever meet and the biggest jokester. He loves cheesies, John Wayne and his granddaughters
Terry/Nan: is passionate about yoga and mindfulness, loves dark chocolate and is the best Nan.

Macy, Hazel & Rhesa
They are the next generation of handy little cowgirls who love their horses and cows, being outside and mini eggs. They are also the head efficiency crew and we get things done way faster with their help!

Watch on the Vlog

Need a speaker at your next event
"Erika’s videos are heartfelt, transparent and truthful about what’s happening on their ranch in Saskatchewan."
Clinton Monchuk
Executive Director, Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan
"She speaks in a way that is genuine, engaging, and from the heart."
Carla Borsa
General Manager, Saskatchewan Young Ag
"Erika sees the ‘Big Picture’ when it comes to communications with consumers and fellow Beef producers."
Jill Harvie
Harvie Ranching