Hi, I'm Cyle
During my rodeo years I suffered many concussions, some of them back to back. I've learned strategies to deal with the struggles I face because of the lingering effects of the multiple concussions.
I share my struggles and straggles openly to help others find mental health strategies that will work for them.
I want to help open up the mental health conversation. I don't want anyone to hide their struggles.

"Cyle is an excellent advocate for mental health awareness in agriculture."

Cynthia Beck, Co-Director, SaskAgMatters Network
Cyle's Audience
Agriculture Associations

Rodeo and Agriculture
Mental Health awarness in agriculture and rodeo is very important to me. Here's why.
I grew up rodeoing; it was my passion. I always wanted to be a bull rider. Thankfully I also roped, begrudgingly at the time, but now it's a handy skill to have. Yes, handier than bull riding!
I had some wins:
Canadian High School Finals Rodeo Team Roping Champion
Canadian High School Finals Rodeo Bull Riding Reserve Champion
National High School Finals Rodeo qualifier 2005-2007
I was able to attend college in Glendive Montana on a rodeo scholarship and took welding and even attended class sometimes.
After college I moved to Merritt to work in the logging industry and then in 2017 moved to Morse, Saskatchewan with my family to ranch full time.
During my rodeo career I suffered many concussions. Erika and I have also had some very difficult times with the unexpected loss of a young family member and losing a good friend and bull rider to suicide because of Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). I have struggled with my own personal mental health and learned strategies to deal with it.
We know there are others that struggle and we want to open up the mental health conversation and talk about these challenges, not hide from them.
Cynthia Beck
MSc Clinical Psychology, Co-Director, SaskAgMatters Network
Cyle is approachable, easy to talk to and easy to listen to.
I've had the pleasure of working with Cyle through the Farmer and Rancher Mental Health Initiative (FARMh). He is an excellent advocate for mental health awareness in agriculture, so much so that we asked him to be the Advocacy Officer for the SaskAgMatters Network! Cyle is approachable, easy to talk to, and easy to listen to. Even more important, he's a good human being who wants to make a positive difference in agricultural mental health.
Megz Reynolds
Executive Director - Do More Ag Foundation
Being male, a rancher, and former bull rider allows many men in the audience to connect with Cyle...
Cyle is very personable, open and honest. He shares from a place of experience, and promotes connection, checking in on loved ones and friends and being venerable with each other. Being a male, a rancher and former bull rider allows many men in the audience to connect with him and be open to a conversation about mental health.
For us to breakdown the stigma surrounding mental health in agriculture we need people of all backgrounds who are willing and able to be open and speak to their personal experiences. Our industry is stronger and healthier with Cyle as an ambassador for mental health and wellness.